Thornton Lab policies and protocols

Lab manual for the Thornton lab at UC Irvine

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Thornton lab main page

Setting up coc.nvim

This document describes how to set up coc-nvim for neovim or vim. For vim, you need version 8 or later.

coc-vim is a code-completion and linting system. It works via a language server model similar to Microsoft’s VScode.

Installing the plugin

First, install node and npm:

sudo apt install nodejs npm

In your init.vim (or .vimrc) using vim-plug:

Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}

Then, restart vim and :PlugInstall.

For other plugin managers, do what’s needed.

Installing specific language servers

C and C++

:CocInstall coc-clangd

Generating compile commands

C and C++ error checking and code completion depends on a file called compile_commands.json, which is processed by clangd.

First, make sure clangd is installed:

sudo apt install clangd

For projects using cmake:

mkdir ccommands
cd ccommands
mv compile_commands.json ..
cd ..
rm -rf ccomands

meson generates the file automatically:

meson build
mv build/compile_commands.json .

If using autotools:

sudo apt install bear


bear make


:CocInstall coc-pyright

This section probably needs further updating on configuration. By default, you get a lot of lint issues flagged, some of which are not necessarily anything to worry about.


:CocInstall coc-rls